Ensure you are positioned behind home plate at least 15 minutes before game starts. Please wear closed in shoes. At Woodlands, scorers chair supplied, other grounds bring your own chair. Obtain team batting order, score book, pencils etc from manager. Complete details of both teams in score book. Maintain scores (in conjunction with other team’s scorer). Call to umpire after 9th batter of each innings has batted and that play has been completed (ie after umpire has called time). For home games ensure score sheet is completed and placed in the box in the kiosk at the clubrooms.. Return score book and pencils to manager. Score Completion Instructions Score Card/Incident Report Ready to Get started? Click here to register for next year's team Register Now Proudly Sponsored By White Chalk Road Woodlandas Wolves Fielders Little Giant Capita Finance Upcoming Events Wembley Semi Finals U11s March 8 @ 9:30 am - June 30 @ 5:00 pm 30 Shaw Rd Innaloo, Western Australia 6018